Hierdie bundel bestaan uit:
-Beplanning vir week 1-10 (Ma-Vry)
Hierdie weeklikse beplanning is volgens die aangepaste JOP (ATP) se vereistes saamgestel en dit gee idees en riglyne oor hoe om jou les of tema aan te bied. Daar word aangedui watter hulpbronne tot aanvulling van die les gebruik kan word.
Daar is ook plek vir onderwysernotas.
Anri Dempers, our founder, is an educator passionate about creating positive change in education. Miss Anri understands the challenges teachers face daily. Her vision for Miss Anri's Classroom stems from a genuine desire to simplify educators' lives and amplify the impact of their teaching. Our team is a dynamic blend of experienced educators, tech enthusiasts, and creative minds. We're united by a shared commitment to excellence in education and a genuine love for what we do.